OSCR Member: Marianne Tenand
I am a post-doctoral researcher at Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). My background is in social sciences and applied economics. My current research focuses on the economics aspects of population ageing, in particular on the provision of long-term care services to the elderly.
I exploit individual-level data of different types: surveys conducted by Statistical Institutes, administrative register data, or client databases, which I access under confidentially agreements. Although I am relatively new to the world of Open Science, I am a strong supporter of it, as a way towards more reliable and efficient – and thus more socially useful - science.
How do I make my research open while ensuring the protection of the highly sensitive data I work with? I am striving to define and implement better practices towards this goal.
My first acquaintance with Open Science? It was when I worked for the Institut des Politiques Publiques (IPP) in Paris. IPP collects, produces and makes available legislative documentation on public policies (e.g. how is your income tax computed?) and technical documentation on its microsimulation models (including coding), which can be used by the scientific community, the public administration and all interested citizens.
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