
The complexity of today’s questions in health, work, education, and well-being requires a multidisciplinary research approach to come to helpful solutions for society. Rotterdam ESM Group is a multidisciplinary research group specialized in the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) to research societal challenges and aims at creating societal impact together. Researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus MC and TU Delft work together to research how individuals feel, behave, and think in real situations in their daily lives and find new solutions for societal challenges.

Experience Sampling Method (ESM) is also known as Ecological Momentary Assessment, Diary Studies, Ambulatory Assessment.

As project manager of Rotterdam ESM Group, I facilitate connections among researchers who use the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) in their studies. By organizing seminars, workshops, and presentations, I foster collaborative learning and enhance partnerships within the research community.

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Petra Olsthoorn