The Rotterdam R.I.O.T. Science Club, an OSCR Member initiative, will host a talk entitled R Markdown & Github: A walkthrough for sharing code and results, part of a series of events on open research organized by the R.I.O.T. Science Club global team1.

February 25th 2021 h. 15:00 CET, duration 60’

Dr. Oliver Pain, postdoctoral research associate at the Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry (SGDP) Centre, King’s College London. His work uses statistical genetics to understand and predict outcomes related to mental health.

This workshop will provide an introduction to Rmarkdown websites and how to host them online using GitHub pages. Oliver will take you through a few exercises to create a Rmarkdown website online. You can find an example here.

For the practical, Oliver suggests using R, RStudio, and GitHub Desktop, but he will also provide instructions using R and Git on the command line. This is best hosted on your local computer. You will also need a GitHub account and to download the workshop materials in advance.

The event will be hosted via Microsoft Teams live event. An invitation email has also been sent via the OSCR mailing list. If you are not part of the mailing list but would like to join, please contact Antonio.

Hope to see many of you!

Take care,

Oliver Pain, Lorenza Dall’Aglio, Elisabet Blok, Bing Xu, and Antonio Schettino

  1. The talk will be recorded and uploaded to the R.I.O.T.S. Club YouTube channel.↩︎